Boldo's Armory
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Roman Spagenhelm (Two-Piece)

Price: $200

Patterned after a second century Roman cavalry helm this helm features distinctive earflaps, Roman back, forehead guard, and full barred face attached to the spagen top.

Roman Spagenhelm (Four-Piece)

Price: $175

Similiar to the two piece but constructed with a simplier style. It gives a slightly rounder cap and a slightly heavier helm. This helm decorates nicely as seen in the last picture which would cost $450.

Viking Spagan

Price: $175

Patterned loosely after the vendel helm this is a simple version a Viking helm done in a 2-piece spagan with the distinctive nasal and front. This helm can be made as a 4-piece spagan for $150.

Norman Spagan

Price: $200

This is a bit of a composite helm with the top from the Bayeau tapestry and the back from the Wisby helm. It has a high peaked design which gives the look of the 10-12 c. Normans. As pictured it is $300 with the etched brass and can be done with a chainmail drape as below for $400.

Boldo: Brother Boldo
Webmaster: Patrick Ludwig
Website Design: Roger Wink

Last Modified on Monday, 07-May-2007 18:01:15 EDT