Is made up of a set checklist penalty system. There is no player marked Composition in this tournament.
Definition of 'Core': For the purposes of this system, any unit purchased as a Core choice counts as Core, with the following exceptions:
a) Core units with an upgrade that changes their attributes (Inner Circle, Chosen, Big’Uns), unless the army includes at least one unit of the same (not upgraded) troop type of equal size or larger.
b) Chariots bought as Core units (this does not include Khemri chariot units, as these units are considered Fast Cav, not ‘proper’ chariots!).
c) Attached units (Skaven Weapon Teams, Flamers of Tzeentch, Night Goblin Fanatics, etc.). Basically anything that is purchased as a unit upgrade but operates independently would be considered an attached unit. This does not include anything in a squig herd, as basically the whole unit operates this way! Empire Detachments are not unit upgrades, and are therefore also unaffected by this.
Any of the above that was purchased as Core would be considered Special units instead for the composition checklist below (note that this doesn't make a perfectly legal list invalid by moving units around, it's just used for the composition scoring!). SCORING
Each item on the checklist below that your army does not meet is worth 50 Victory Points, for a possible total of 750 Victory points. The total is taken away from the total Victory Points you gain in a game, after scenario conditions have been applied and before Battle points are worked out. The value of the penalty will go towards working out the Best Army and Best Gamesmanship awards.
All Dark Elf armies start out at +100VP before applying the composition questions, excluding armies that have more non-infantry units than infantry units per Q14.
All High Elf armies start out at +50VP before applying the composition questions, excluding armies that have more non infantry units than infantry units per Q14.
All Dwarf armies start at +50VP before applying the composition questions.
1. At least 40% of the points in the army (900 pts) is spent in Core (see definition of Core above).
2. At least 50% of the points in the army (1125) is spent in Core (see definition of Core above).
3. No more than 30% of the points in the army (675) are spent in Specials (see definition of Core above for which units are moved to Specials from Core for this purpose).
4. No more than 10% of the points of the army (225) are spent in Rare selections.
5. No more than 10% of the points of the army (225) are spent in magic items (including Daemonic Gifts, magic standards, Dwarf Engineering runes, Dwarf Slayer Skills, Lizardman Spawnings for characters, or anything that counts against a character’s magic item points allowance, i.e. Bretonnian Virtues, Vampire Bloodline Abilities, etc.). For Greater Daemons, count the Daemonic Gifts they get ‘by default’ in this calculation!
6. In this army there are not more than 2 Special selections of the same unit type, or 1 Rare selection of the same unit type. For example, 2 cannons in an Empire army is acceptable, 3 is not. Similarly, 2 Spawn in a Chaos army is acceptable, 3 is not (that’s two Spawn Rare selections, even though the second one is only one Spawn).
7. The army includes at least two Core units (see definition of Core
above) that are at least one and a half times minimum unit size and
no more than 1 core units of unit strength less than 10. For Daemon Legions, the two units at 1.5Xminimum size MUST be ‘True Core’!
(example: Skaven Clanrats are a minimum unit size of 20; to count for the 1.5X, Skaven Clanrat units would have to be at least 30 models strong, and the army would have to have no more than one Core unit smaller than US10 (<10 nightrunners, <4 swarms, etc.)).
8. The army includes no more than 30% of its points (675) in characters.
9. The army contains no more than 4 units (including rank and file AND characters) that can strike at Strength 5 or greater on the turn they charge)
10. The army includes no single magic item (for this purpose Dwarfs count each Rune as an individual item!) with a point cost of greater than 50 pts. See item 5 for a list of what types of items are included as ‘magic items’ for this purpose.
11. The army generates no more than 8 magic power dice and/or 6 magic dispel dice. All bound items/spells of power level 1-3 count as 1 dice, all bound items/spells of 4-6 power level count as 2 dice and all bound items/spells of 7+ count as 3 dice. For Tomb Kings armies, Tomb Prince = 1 dice, Liche Priest = 2 dice, Tomb King = 2 dice and Liche High priest = 4 dice. For Lizardmen armies, 2nd Generation Slann = 6 dice. Example: a Level 2 Necromancer with Book of Arkhan would count as 3 dice (Level 2 spellcaster (2) + a set-value 3 Bound Spell (1) = 3 total).
12. The army generates no more than 10 magic power dice and/or 7 dispel dice. All bound items/spells of power level 1-3 count as 1 dice, all bound items/spells of 4-6 power level count as 2 dice and all bound items/spells of 7+ count as 3 dice. For Tomb Kings armies, Tomb Prince = 1 dice, Liche Priest = 2 dice, Tomb King = 2 dice and Liche High priest = 4 dice. For Lizardmen armies, 2nd Generation Slann = 6 dice.
13. The army generates no more than 12 magic power dice and/or 8 dispel dice. All bound items/spells of power level 1-3 count as 1 dice, all bound items/spells of 4-6 power level count as 2 dice and all bound items/spells of 7+ count as 3 dice. For Tomb Kings armies, Tomb Prince = 1 dice, Liche Priest = 2 dice, Tomb King = 2 dice and Liche High priest = 4 dice. For Lizardmen armies, 2nd Generation Slann = 6 dice.
14. The army contains no more than one Terror causer.
15. The army contains any Terror causers.
16. The army contains more units of infantry than units of non-infantry (non-infantry includes cavalry, swarms, monsters, chariots, flying units, or war machines). Do not count characters as units for this purpose (though if they are mounted on a chariot or monster, count the mount!).
17. The army contains no more than 4 units armed with missile weapons (‘units armed with missile weapons’ includes war machines and weapons teams!). Do not count characters as units for this purpose.