Boldo's Armory
Magic Collectable Card Games Board Games Role-Playing Games Miniatures
The Armory Artists Convention Schedule Sales Search
Mage Knight Prices
number set Figure Boldo's Price
145 Rebellion Magus $22
146 Rebellion Storm Golem $30
147 Rebellion Elemental Priest $15
148 Rebellion Troll Chieftan $14
149 Rebellion Necromancer $8
150 Rebellion Order of Vladd $15
151 Rebellion Dwarfen Jarl $15
152 Rebellion Amazon Queen $16
153 Rebellion Paladin Prince $14
154 Rebellion Chaos Mage $12
155 Rebellion Wraith $16
156 Rebellion Neophant $17
157 Rebellion Magna Draconum $10
158 Rebellion Magus Draconum $22
159 Rebellion Mystic Draconum $20
160 Rebellion Hierophant $30
133 Lancers High Battle Mage on Scorpion $20
134 Lancers Techun on Dragonfly $22
135 Lancers King of the Undead on Skeletal Fell Beast $17
136 Lancers Uhlrik Charger on Nightmare $16
137 Lancers Champion on Heavy Warhorse $14
138 Lancers Martyr on Heavy Warhorse $18
139 Lancers High Elf General $15
140 Lancers Taskmaster $12
141 Lancers Lich $20
142 Lancers Arcane Draconum $30
133 Whirlwind Emerald Glade Mystery $18
134 Whirlwind Thunderdoom Trolly $12
135 Whirlwind Golden Orb Myrmidony $20
136 Whirlwind Mountian King $20
137 Whirlwind Orc Captian $20
138 Whirlwind Half Troll Behemoth $15
139 Whirlwind Krugg Seery $12
140 Whirlwind Shyft Fiend $22
141 Whirlwind Shyft Matriarch $12
142 Whirlwind Mortis Draconum $20
To order send the desired figures to Boldo.

Boldo: Brother Boldo
Webmaster: Patrick Ludwig
Website Design: Roger Wink

Last Modified on Friday, 08-Feb-2002 01:09:42 EST