Gladiique Scoparum

Where's Boldo
Gladiique Scoparum
See if you can find Boldo in the following pictures
Gladiique Scoparum
He might be here but who can tell? Look for the guy who looks like a storm trooper.
Gladiique Scoparum
Silly! This picture was taken at court. He’s much too smart to attend court. Everyone knows how boring court is.
Gotcha again! This is a non-fighting event. You’ll never find Boldo there either. Everybody knows non-fighting events are even more boring than court.
Gladiique Scoparum
Yep, he’s in this one. See he always shows up for fun fighting events.
Look carefully. He’s in disguise
Gladiique Scoparum
Hint-Look next to the Ever king.
Gladiique Scoparum
There’s Boldo! With his household where he belongs. Gladiique Scoparum

Boldo: Brother Boldo
Webmaster: Patrick Ludwig
Website Design: Roger Wink

Last Modified on Tuesday, 13-Apr-2004 20:32:23 EDT