Pennsic War every year is a experience so complete that it is hard to explain succinctly. It’s moments of joy, wonder, excitement and disappointment flow free over each other in a cascade of adventure upon which we just try to keep up. This year there were several ugly moments about loyalty which seemed misplaced in our fantasy world of make believe. As usual the sides for the fighting drew up by kingdom but as always not all fought on the side of their home. This is not unusual but this year people got very upset about it. This seems particularly odd when our real nation is torn apart by divided loyalties, and disagreements about a war in Iraq. Perhaps this year many wished to escape this and when confronted by it in their fantasy world They snapped. What ever the cause there seems to be a strident closing of our imaginary national boarders. Such believes would confuse William Marshall who sometime fought against his King, or Simon de Montefort the sometimes trusted advisor and leader of the second barons war. Later the Duc de Conte ignored a was summons in the 16th century and who can forget the machinations of the Dukes of Burgundy during the 100 years War as they switched side with the wind. Fighting against ones kingdom was a medieval idea which is one of the things that make the Middle Ages so fun. Many of those who complained the loudest thought the problem was the tabards people wore. They make it sound like it was confusing that the a person fought on the other side and despite the tape on the helmets the tabards confused them. If so laugh about it and move on but if the reason is that a tabard represents loyalty to a kingdom then perhaps they have an argument. Perhaps wearing a local tabard of a kingdom and fighting against them is like being a spy, using disguise to gain an advantage. But all these people were clearly marked and openly on the other side. Perhaps by wearing certain clothing you swear allegiance to a Kingdom. But then why does the kingdom not provide the tabards and designs. Perhaps they were just angry that people they never talked to and assumed would do one thing did another. Of course for this there is a cure we could just talk to each other or just accept it is a game and let everyone play as they wish. Boldo |
Last Modified on Wednesday, 22-Aug-2007 19:35:00 EDT